Category Archives: Allergan

Cosmetic Fillers compared in terms of thickness

Each cosmetic dermal filler is like a paint-brush

There are all these terms to describe the different properties of fillers including G prime, lift, thickness, hardness, and much more.

I have some thoughts about the projecting capabilities of the fillers and I feel that it is related simply to thickness.  These are my own thoughts about these cosmetic fillers.  I have been doing Botox and Fillers since 2006.  Please consider looking at other sources if you are seriously needing to compare thicknesses of these fillers.

The empty boxes of the dermal fillers used today
The empty boxes of the dermal fillers used in one day at my office in Modesto, CA.

From thinnest to thickest:  Comparing Dermal Fillers

  • Belotero Balance (Merz product) – thinnest
  • Juvederm Ultra XC
  • Juvederm Ultra Plus XC
  • Radiesse diluted with some added liquid lidocaine
  • Juvederm Voluma XC
  • Radiesse – straight out of the box. – thickest

I know integral lidocaine is currently being considered in Belotero Balance and Radiesse, but at the time of writing this blog – they have not been available.

Radiesse, Juvederm Ultra XC, and Belotero Balance cosmetic syringes - complement Botox injections very well
Radiesse, Juvederm Ultra XC, and Belotero Balance cosmetic syringes – complement Botox injections very well


I hope you can visit us at our office in Modesto for Botox and Dermal Filler Appointments.

Botox Related Products at Surgical Artistry

We carry products from Allergan (makers of Botox), Merz, Valeant, and others

We don’t have any contracts with any one company to be exclusive.  Botox belongs to the Allergan family of products: Latisse, Botox, and Juvederm.  These are the products we carry at Surgical Artistry.  We also carry aesthetic products from Merz, Mentor and Valeant.

These are the Botox related products we carry:

Not necessarily made by the Botox company, Allergan.

  • Asclera, injected for vein sclerotherapy.
  • Botox – Botox is supplied to us directly from Allergan USA in the form of 100U vials
  • Juvederm Ultra (without lidocaine)
  • Juvederm Ultra Plus (without lidocaine)
  • Juvederm Ultra XC
  • Juvederm Ultra Plus XC
  • Juvederm Voluma XC
  • Belotero Balance (Merz product)
  • Radiesse Volume Advantage (Merz product, this is 1.5 cc’s)

This list changes from time to time.  Feel free to call us.  Our contact info is at our Botox Home Page.

belotoro balance shelf

Above is a picture of our Belotero Balance Shelf


Radiesse, Juvederm Ultra XC, and Belotero Balance cosmetic syringes - complement Botox injections very well
Radiesse, Juvederm Ultra XC, and Belotero Balance cosmetic syringes – complement Botox injections very well

Above picture was taken on our conference table which has that rough texture on top.

We do not currently carry:

  • Xeomin
  • Dysport

Please take time and visit us on the web and in person.

Will I ever have more than 100 Botox Patients per month?

Growth of my Modesto Botox practice

There’s a nifty feature in Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions program which allows one to track data – such as how many patients have seen you for Botox within a certain period of time.   I decided to look at these numbers monthly.  So far, I’ve been able to extract data starting with January 2011.  Numbers before that don’t exist because we weren’t busy users of Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions at the time.  We are currently happy users of Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions program with about 850 different patients enrolled in the program.

Visit this link for Statistics of our Modesto Brilliant Distinctions: Botox, Latisse, Juvederm.

Regarding breaking 100 for Botox patients per month

Well, this hasn’t happened yet.  I got close in June, 2014.  I reached 97 Botox patients for this one month.  However, I continue to improve.  I also know that quality trumps quantity most times.  However, I also do know that experience matters and is based on repetition and seeing many different situations.

Here’s that graphic which shows a representation of my Botox growth:

Botox Growth
Botox Growth per Month

Botox Statistics Update:

  • For the month of July 2014, I saw 95 patients.  Still not quite at 100 Botox patients yet per month.
  • Visit my Modesto Botox homepage for more updates.
  • Vacations, work in Los Angeles, Acupuncuture activies, and operating days are factors which take away from this Botox Statistic.
  • Another update, in October 2014, I saw over 120 patients that month.  So, getting over the 100 patients per month? – done!

Botox, Veins, and Acupuncture: How my time is broken up in the office

Office time is divided up among three main procedures:  Botox, Veins, and Acupuncture

I had a chance to do some data analysis from January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014.  This is the first half of 2014.  I get the question from time to time regarding what part of practice involves Botox or Acupuncture or Veins?

I’m happy to report the results.  Basically it says that Botox is the biggest chunk of the office practice coming in at 47%, and Acupuncture is a close second at 45%.  Veins occupies 8% of the practice.

What about Surgeries?

That wasn’t included here.  It would be harder for me to figure out surgery vs. these office based procedures because the time required for surgery is usually much longer.  These numbers here (and percentages) are based on the total number of patients coming in for these procedures.  It is not based on time spent.  It is just based on “patient load.”

So here’s the graphic that shows the division of office based procedures:

Botox Pie Chart
2014 data for how my Veins, Acupuncture, and Botox division of office based procedures. Surgery isn’t included here since it isn’t done in the office. This chart is just the division of my patient load in the office.

Why a patient would choose Surgical Artistry – Staff View

Why a patient would choose Surgical Artistry, in Modesto, California

My staff last week sat down in the conference room and over lunch with our Botox / Allergan Representative, they brainstormed (without me) a list some ideas on why we are worth considering for Botox injections.  I have my own thoughts about why choose Surgical Artistry (Calvin Lee, MD) for Botox.  But these are theirs, and I just cut and pasted their summary email which they came up with all by themselves.  I think it’s pretty nice!

Botox is a high priority in our practice and we talk about it often at work.

  • -Dr. Lee is an Ivy league trained general surgeon that has been trained in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures
  • -Dr. Lee highly knowledgeable in facial anatomy
  • -Dr. Lee has been working with needles for over 15 years!
  • -Experience: a patient could not find an office with a better in office experience
  • -longer specialized appointment times
  • -Higher level of service
  • -more consultation time, better experience, better outcomes

Disclaimer:  These are their own opinions.  I have a very enthusiastic team at Surgical Artistry.   I personally have very high regard for other Botox practices and I know I have a lot to learn from others.


Visit our home-made Botox web page:  Modesto Botox by Calvin Lee, Surgeon – our telephone number and other methods of contact are listed there.


Allergan and Valeant – Letters against the possible “Vallergant” merger

On April 24, 2014, Dr. Tammy Wu wrote a letter against the idea of the possible merger of the Allergan Botox giant along with the skin care / cosmetic giant Valeant.  This was 2 days after Valeant had proposed a merger with Allergan – or possibly a hostile takeover?

While this merger may make some sense since there is many crossover items – basically competition could be eliminated with this type of corporate merger.  But we have been afraid that customer service will be hurt as will future research and development.  Esepcially with our beloved Botox.

Allergan just published on their website about 100 of the 500 letters they have received from their physician customers.  This is the link to the letters from physician customers to Allergan – all of these are against the idea of the “Vallergant merger”.  I figured it’s a cute name for combining the companies.

Dr. Tammy Wu’s letter is among those 100 published.  In fact, I think in reading them, she was the first one to write.  Perhaps she sparked a flurry of letters to Allergan.

This is her letter:

Dear Mr. Schaison:

As a physician who has experienced the “Valeant” service, I have to say that I am not impressed with them.  Specifically, our office had enjoyed a great relationship with Obagi Medical Products (OMP) and have done business with them for many years. As you may be aware, Obagi was acquired by Valeant last year.

Since the merger/ acquisition, every aspect of OMP has gone down the tubes. Customer service, billing service, product quality control (we receive leaking products and broken products almost with every order – which had never happened before when Obagi was independent), shipping control, timing of delivery of products, etc. have all been negatively affected. The poor OBagi representative has to backtrack and apologize almost on a regular basis for all the mishaps that have happened since the merger.

Allergan has been a leader in aesthetic products and more, and I hope that Allergan will stay independent and have no affiliations with Valeant. I respect Allergan for its research and development aspects, and I believe the future is quite bright for Allergan as an independent company.

I hope that the Board of Directors will take into consideration as much as possible the implications of this merger and what it will do to the reputation of Allergan – in my opinion, if it’s the same as Obagi and Medicis, it will only be negatively affected. We stopped using Medicis products as a result of bad customer service, and we are currently considering eliminating Obagi from our office as a result of all the mishaps.

Thank you for reaching out to us physicians. I know that I am not the only physician hoping for a positive outcome from this, which would be Allergan Independence, no Valeant involvement.  Thank you for listening.


Tammy Wu, MD

Diplomate, American Board of Plastic Surgery

Surgical Artistry, Inc.

2336 Sylvan Avenue, Suite C

Modesto, CA 95355

Some Background info:  Allergan has the products that we carry: Latisse, Juvederm, and Botox.  It also has SkinMedica.  Valeant has Obagi, Restylane, Perlane, and many other dermatologically related items.

I would like to mention that Obagi has tried to improve on it’s customer service since we had initially complained, but it is a different culture, it seems at Valeant, and I do think that some change is unavoidable.  But we hope to adapt and get used to the new culture.  And we’ll probably adapt too, if Allergan and Valeant were to become combined.

Visit our Modesto Botox home page.

Actavis update

UPDATE: Valeant didn’t end up merging with Allergan.  Actavis ended up being the company which merged with Allergan.