Typing, Surgery, and Botox – all demand dexterity
I have always valued accurate, precise, deliberate dexterity. Typing is one of those things that demands a certain amount of dexterity.
An incredible Christmas gift
I got a Christmas gift from a relative when I was probably around 9 years old; it was a how-to-type book. I remember devouring that book up with our family’s type-writer in the basement. Yes, an old fashioned type-writer. The keys got stuck, and I used much ink practicing every page in that book. I think it was one of the best gifts and best memories. Today, I want to thank my relatives for that awesome gift about 35 Christmases ago. I think it helped lead me to a life where dexterity was of utmost importance – especially as a surgeon and Botox injector.

Excuses, excuses, excuses
If I could make excuses, for the result above (121 words per minute) I’m typing on an uneven surface, at an unreasonable height. One of these days, I’ll try to find a stable surface to type upon – or a different keyboard for that matter – one that doesn’t squeak and doesn’t bounce around, and I hope to have an even better result. I believe that the height of my typing speed was back in high school, and it’s been somewhat slowed down on purpose because of respect for carpal tunnel syndrome -which I somewhat suffered from during my Surgery training years. My carpal tunnel is just about gone, but I know part of that was from watching the way I type. So I typed this whole paragraph probably at 100 words per minute which is a relaxed pace for me.
– Calvin Lee, MD
Performs surgery and injects Botox in Modesto, California.
Also other things with needles: Voluma, Radiesse, Juvederm, Asclera (vein), Acupuncture,
Disclaimer: Be careful typing. It can cause problems if there is too much strain. There is no medical advice here.