855 Botox Patients, 2594 Botox Visits

How much Botox Experience does Dr. Calvin Lee have?
Dr. Calvin Lee is a board certified surgeon who has been focusing on Botox injections since 2009. We have made a few pages which shows some of our detailed Botox statistics at our Botox practice. However in this Botox blog, we present even more Botox metrics.
It’s not my goal to be a super busy practice. I like to spend a good amount of time and attention for each patient. Quality over quantity!
Previous pages with our Modesto Botox Statistics
- Botox usage summary 2014: 34,234 units of Botox used in 2014 by Dr. Calvin Lee
- Amount of Botox purchased by Surgical Artistry in 2014 – 365 vials of Botox.
- My personal Modesto Botox injection statistics 2014: 503 different patients were seen for Botox in 2014. This is up from 374 botox patients seen in 2013.
Starting from 2011, we can track statistics through the Botox company
Fortunately, the Botox company has decided to form a frequent-flyer type program which gives coupons directly to the patients in the form of discounts for future Botox injections (or Juvederm or Latisse). This program is called “Brilliant Distinctions.” With brilliant distinctions, there is a computer portal which our Modesto Botox practice can access. We have been a member of Brilliant Distinctions since 2011. With these statistics, we found that Dr. Lee has seen 855 different Botox patients. These patients have visited the office 2594 times for Botox. Botox Touch-Up visits are not counted in this figure.
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