Yes, I do jawline contouring with Botox, Filler, Cannula, Threadlift, and Kybella.
I’ve been working with bringing out the beauty of the jawline using multiple techniques. The link above is from a blog I wrote about the subject using Botox in 2015 in my Modesto, CA practice called Surgical Artistry. Some involve filler (ie. Juvederm), Kybella, and threadlifts. However, Botox was one of the earlier modalities that I’ve used for the past 10 years. I use Botox for TMJ and have found that it leads to a slimming effect of the sides of the face. This helps to accent the jawline from the top. I’ve found that it takes a few visits with Botox along the cheek to get the results that we are looking for – usually about 3 visits (spaced about 3-4 months apart).
How many Units for Botox in the Jaw area?
The amount of units I use vary. I inject in the masseter muscle above the jawline. I use somewhere between 6-40 units of Botox per side depending on the situation. I usually average around 20 units per side of Botox.
Dice Pattern for TMJ injections using Botox
I have a video where I use what I call a “dice pattern” for injection of TMJ (TMD) – click on the link above to see that injection with Botox.