Same as what I wrote in my last blog. I believe that my Botox Artistry and Filler Artistry is enhanced by looking at nature. Studying the patterns, the colors, the geometry, and even the natural aging process of young plants to old plants. Here are pictures which I took on the last weekend in May 2015 around my home in Modesto, California.
Sunflowers and Bees
The sun plays a role in how we see our subjects. The shadows create an appearance of deeper depth. In my Modesto Dermal Filler practice, we use fillers to lesson some of the shadows and thus create an appearance of a smoother surface.
In this picture, the lighting comes from the back. The subject looks completely different. This is why I have an operating room light in my procedure room where I do most of my Botox and Filler work. The operating room light can be adjusted to come from above, from below, from behind and from the sides. I also like to be in the same room most of the time when I inject – this way I can get a feel of the fixed lighting and have control over a movable light.
A blurry background helps us take out distractions from our best features. This is what I like to achieve with Botox in my Modesto practice. I like to use Botox to help blur out the wrinkles which detract from beautiful features on or face – especially eyelashes and the eyes themselves. Botox works especially great around the sides of the eyes and between the eyes. So this picture to me is very much like performing a Botox treatment around the eyes. With fewer “distractions” the eyes really shine!
Beauty attracts company. Three bees on this beautiful sunflower.
And this is where I took the above photos. At first glance – it doesn’t seem beautiful. But it’s my job with Botox and Fillers to bring out the beauty that is already there. And that’s what I tried to do with the camera.
The next few pictures depict my study of young leaves of a sago palm
This picture shows the “older” but magnificent leaves of our Sago Palm
Beauty up-close is different from beauty from beyond
I have to look at a patient closely for one form of artistry but I have to keep in mind what a patients face looks like from a distance. This concept that I have to keep in my mind while injecting Botox and Fillers is represented by these two pictures which are near and further away:
The next two pictures show two different colored agapanthus blooms in different stages of bloom
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Out of a Bottle of Botox, comes a Bloom of Beauty.
I feel that what we see in nature is most beautiful. That’s what I try to achieve with my artistry with Botox and Fillers. It’s a sense of creating a natural look which is pleasing to the eye and exciting to the mind. Nature has a sense of symmetry, pattern and colors which relax and excite us all at the same time.
I spent some time in the last weekend of May, 2015 capturing a few glimpses of nature around my home in Modesto, California
Click above on the picture to enlarge. This is a sunflower growing on an empty lot near my house. The sun shines behind the weed-sunflower. I like how the bee is using the flower as sun-protection!