Surgical Artistry with Dr. Tammy Wu. (209) 551-1888
Nature pictures of Modesto
After visiting New Zealand, I was inspired to see nature in a different way in Modesto, where I live. There’s beauty all around us – even in Modesto – especially in Modesto.
These were pictures taken by me in the Modesto Area – in Central Valley California.
Our #1 slogan in Modesto: “Nobody’s Got Modesto’s Goat.” This was supposed to be the original slogan on Modesto’s locally famous arch. The Modesto Arch now says: “Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health.”I still can’t believe I left New Zealand. I miss my new friends that I’ve met on the trip. But here’s a picture of what I see here in Modesto / Central Valley, California. A neighbor’s barn owls.Closer picture of the face of these owls. I think it’s maybe a barn owl couple. The barn owl’s heart-shaped face collects sound in the same way as human ears. Its hearing is the most sensitive of any creature tested.Goats in ModestoHello ladybug!A bowl of tangerines from our backyard in Modesto, California.
I have some landscape pictures of Modesto, but perhaps I’ll post them some other day.