Yes, Dr. T. Tammy Wu is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery

Modesto Plastic Surgery Dr. Tammy Wu is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. She was initially certified in plastic surgery in 2005 and has since been recertified – with her certification good till the end of 2025. The recertification process occurs every 10 years. This info is current as of the writing of this web page on 1/29/15.

How to look this Board Certification information up on the internet regarding Plastic Surgery?
At our Modesto Plastic Surgery office: Surgical Artistry, we have received this question on the phone a few times. We were initially surprised that patients would be confused on the internet. The we realized that they were not searching for Dr. T. Tammy Wu via her first name which is “Tzuying.” “Tammy” is her middle name. Thus when entering the search, use Dr. Tzuying Wu. Then you’ll find the results you are looking for.
Website to check for Plastic Surgery Board Certification
About Dr. Calvin Lee
As an aside, Dr. Calvin Lee, her husband, is board certified in surgery.
Website to check for General Surgery Board Certification